
This chapter describes some specific steps used with the Flex 6400.



Load the software database.

[1] TRUE




  • Beelink Windows 11


  • Comet antenna mounted externally
  • Connected via coax patch panel


The packages used with VarAC are as follows:

package version
VARA HF 4.8.7
VarAC 9.2.3

Package settings

Here are screenshots of settings for VarAC.

Figure 14.1: VarAC Rig Settings for Flex 6400
Figure 14.2: VarAC VARA settings for Flex 6400

Here are the settings for VARA HF:

Figure 14.3: VARA HF setup
Figure 14.4: VARA HF soundcard settings for Flex 6400


  1. Select Global Profile “Shack digital 45W”
  • This disables AGC and any RX or TX filters
  • The mode is DIGU

Digital modes

fldigi (remote via Chrome Remote Desktop)

  1. From Kasa, power-up the Alinco power supply and the Flex radio.
  2. Connnect to the Acer PC via Chrome Remote Desktop
  3. Start SmartSDR v3.7.3
  4. Select Profiles/Global/Shack-fldigi

The rig should switch to the appropriate mode (DIGU) and the PaNBEMS Sunday morning net frequency (3.583 MHz).

  1. Confirm that the current slice has DAX selected and that the SmartSDR DAX panel shows audio from that slice.

  2. Open fldigi (v4.2.03)

fldigi should open to 3.583 MHz and show signals in the waterfall.


fldigi uses Hamlib for rig control. Here are the key settings under Configure/Rig Control/Hamlib:

You may need to manually set the mode, such as to THOR22.

  1. To shut down:
  • Close fldigi
  • Close/quit SmartSDR
  • Close Chrome Remote Desktop
  • From Kasa:
    • Turn off FlexRadio
    • Turn off Acer monitor
    • Wait 10s
    • Turn off Alinco power supply (also grounds antennas)