A ham radio license is really a license to learn. As a teacher and researcher and the son of two public school educators, I’m committed to learning and helping others do so, too.
ARRL Coordinating Volunteer Examiner (CVE)
As of September 2023, I assumed the Coordinating Volunteer Examiner (CVE) role from K3YV. We have moved our exams to the ARRL-VEC.
I’m pleased to say that our team has “minted” almost 10 hams in just a few short months. The pace appears to be picking up.
If you are interested in taking a ham radio exam, please get in touch.
We offer in-person testing sessions before most NARC monthly meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the South Hills School of Business and Technology in State College, PA.
I was a volunteer examiner (VE) for several years via the W5YI-VEC and continue with active credentials.
NARC Elmering Committee
NARC has formed a new committee to help new hams get started. There will be more to say about this very soon, I’m sure.
New Ham Book
Just for fun, I’ve started working on an electronic (web) book for new hams. The target audience was initially Penn State ARC members who aren’t (yet) licensed. But I am expanding it to be suitable for a wide range of folks who aren’t yet hams.
You can find the work-in-progress here:
Comments are welcome!
Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS)
I operate a receive-only VHF (144.390 MHz) I-Gate under the callsign W3TM-11.
In December 2023, I started experimenting with supporting APRS-tt using the Direwolf software TNC. Early experiments look promising. We’re discussing setting up a network of APRS-tt iGates to provide better receive coverage in our very hilly area.